June Best time to see wild life moving in Yellowstone National Park
August Best Fly Fishing with Terrestrials

Montana Spirit Guest Lodge - Lodging near the Madison River - Fantastic Fly Fishing

Click to listen to John Graczyk,CO

Listen to Jeanie Wieszcholek, CO just click!

Welcome to Montana's Fly Fishing Guest Lodge on the Madison River. Located just outside Yellowstone National Park. Fly fishing the famous Slide Inn section of the Madison River gives you access to some of the biggest trout in the Madison River. You will enjoy your stay at the Guest Lodge while gaining access to some of the best fly fishing Montana has to offer with our private access. A great combination for fly fishing - a Guest Lodge on the Madison River, with limited access and big trout.

Relax, Recharge your life, Reconnect with Nature. Fish, hike or venture into the mountains. View nature from any angle your heart desires. Enjoy the natural surroundings that are shared with antelope, mule deer, coyotes, bears, big horn sheep, grizzlies and eagles. We, at Montana Spirit , hold the land, animals and what walks upon it as sacred to our place in the universe. Here everything and everyone is connected. Recharge, reconnect with those things that you love. Rekindle your spirit here in Montana.

Hear Shirley and Ron, Carlisle, PA click here